a PRAYER for my FRIENDS - 5/13/09
i haven't written in a while, but i have had quite an emotional day with medical concerns for some very dear friends of mine...i told them, (after i repeated it myself)...to repeat after me, "God doesn't give us more than we can take"...boy God must think they are really strong...help us Lord to lean on You when we get burdened...push us so hard that the only thing we can do to stay afloat is reach to You...sometimes we get going on our own and we forget that You are there with us...THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE...let us not forget...i pray for my friends tonight, that ANYTHING i may be going through will be revealed to me as MINIMAL compared to their concerns today...GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BRINGING THEM INTO MY LIFE...may they see YOU in me and truly know it will be ok...YOU ARE STILL IN CONTROL...help us to trust and NOT FORGET...I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE THEM!!!