make time to CHILL

Sometimes being a writer makes it hard to just chill. My brain rarely turns off, as it’s normally in a constant state of engagement, and I rarely just “sit” without thinking of a blog post or something to write, and right now is included in those times.  Normally I have several writings going on at the same time, currently 8.  Occasionally it feels as if my brains at a circus and just won’t quieten, and moments to truly just chill are welcomed, and sometimes can’t come soon enough.  When I have free time, and don’t write, I feel like I’m “cheating” on my writing and keeping words at bay.  


I’m blessed to have a life that can quickly move to calm if I need it to, or better said, if my brain insists. I have a writing room at home to settle thoughts, and an office at work that provides a darkened space, both walls and lighting, covered by the aroma of peppermint and lavender, calm, relaxation music playing and a host of people who care deeply for me.  


I’ve learned the past few years what makes for “chill” time, and what hampers it.  I most often choose, if given the choice, to be quieter, stiller, dwell longer in typed words and let thoughts linger. 


Our son and daughter-in-law’s ranch (that role of hers is only given as reference as she’s never considered anything other than our daughter) provides great opportunities to unwind, slow down, and de-stress, and most of these words are being typed there.  Within ears distance are Sand Hill Cranes moving quickly in the air, the buzzing of wasps, fish jumping, (deciding if they want in the water or not,) and the creaking chains of Nanny’s old swing swaying from the brisk wind.  Times like these are rare, but welcomed, grateful breaths that are slower and more meaningful, and time for pause and reflection.


I’m thankful for the quiet after a noisy week. Lately has been a lot, a lot of people who’ve needed a lot, and that’s ok.  I love having purpose and helping, and we’ve helped a lot of people lately. My heart is happy that God allows me to do what I love.  This weekend I’ll rest up for next week and do it again. 

We all “chill” differently and this world provides a sundry of opportunities for all of us. If you take my husband and I, we both “chill” differently, while being at the ranch is a perfect setting for us both.  He loves to be at the ranch, and in our eyes, he’s considered “the ranch hand,” as he typically goes with a handwritten list of chores that need completing.  Even though he’s working, it’s such a release of the cities stressors, and work there doesn’t really seem like work. He and I love to drive around and watch for what’s camouflaged within the trees and shrubs, while smelling the air that’s so much fresher than back home, and almost every turn bears something that his hands have built. 


Currently, I’m listening to the wind howl while stringing words on my keyboard while the fire warms the cool air. I’m sitting with a wandering mind looking around at all the things my husband’s hands have touched, knowing how grateful our children are, and how grateful I am to just sit and breathe in some slower breaths. God has been so gracious to us all and He’s provided some of the most precious things to all of us.  

Later we’ll head back and once again we’ll notice just driving back to the city brings both of us an unwelcome amount of anxiety vs the small town, slower life. 


Thankful, blessed, with grace running deep.


Thankful to be just chilling.


don’t SINK, just FLOAT


The act of being THANKFUL