conversation gone vanilla - 1/19/10

yesterday i took taylor and ashley to the mall to ice skate, and anyone who knows me knows that i am not too comfortable there. one, i am not much of a shopper and two i'm not too fond of noisy crowds. people watching i love. after talking to kim and realizing that we can see cher when we go to vegas this spring i decided that i would try out my new ipod and walk around the mall giving myself a little cher refresher course. i plugged in my earphones and tucked my phone in my front pocket and i was off. i soon began to wonder how loud i was singing, since it's hard to tell while wearing earphones. most everyone i passed either was randomly talking into a phone, listening with earphones or talking to thin air via the cockroach looking devise in their ear. occassionally if we made eye contact we would give very vague gestures as to not interupt our own conversation or mini concert. for probably the first time ever, I LOOKED NORMAL AT THE MALL, but everything felt so wrong, so cold, so disconnected. i couldn't help but wonder in amazement how the world and times had changed as i realized that communication had become so vanilla. this makes me wonder that if i really were to fit in i wouldn't be writing this at all i would be sending this as a TEXT. i do have to admit that i did remember those manners that i am ever fond of. when i walked into a store, before being greeted by the salesclerk i would take one earphone out so i could hear their kind gestures and return the same. as i type this it makes me long for a big chief tablet and a #2 pencil!


When Death Teaches LIFE - 2/2/11


a farewell to LIBBY - 7/1/09