we hide so much behind a SMILE

I pray your smile is one of happy, not just that of strength.

I can remember the days when an outward smile never truly reflected the inward pain that I was feeling. What showed wasn’t what was rocking me to the depth of my core.


Weakness isn’t something any one of us want to be, but strength sometimes isn’t obtainable. 


“I’ll appear fine” were thoughts that ran through my head, while I practiced an awkward smile, in hopes that it didn’t appear too awkward.  Tears dripped and were wiped as I turned away from my eyes making contact with others. I couldn’t reveal what I really felt inside, I needed to remain strong.


Smiles can both hide and reveal so much.


I love waking each morning and seeking out FB memories. Most days, I’m thrilled to have it prick a memory, a time I may have forgotten.  I’m forever grateful to hopefully place it in the “file box” where prayerfully, it won’t be lost again.  But, some days, FB shows a picture or moments that I wish to never see or recall again, and wish that it was never shown to me.  I recall the time, the hurt and anguish, the heartache that pierced my heart and soul and let where I am, and all His blessings penetrate me, while I rest in God’s grace. I could delete these memories from showing, but having them Is a great reminder of how gracious God has been to me, and that I won’t ever stop praising Him and being grateful.


Again, smiles can both hide and reveal so much.


Even now, I just walked across the parking lot while the wind dried what was left of the falling tears.  I’ll walk in with a smile, that moments ago was lips quivering, thinking how dear some of my friends are to me.  God has blessed me far more than I deserve, and I’m eternally grateful.  My prayer is that I can be to them a fraction of what they’ve been to me.  My soul has cried and rested in their arms and their hugs have provided much needed strength on many a day. These are the moments now that bring tears of gratefulness and a prolonged smile, knowing God loves me and cares enough about me to have granted me some of the finest friends anyone could ever ask for along the way, both men and women.


My prayer for you is that your smiles will send you closer to Him, that you’ll allow Him to wipe your tears or hear your words of thankfulness. I hope your smile is that of happiness, hope and joy, and that your smiles of strength, shown so you won’t appear weak, will be met by your tribe, be it family or friends.

Don’t smile alone.


All we have to do is SHOW UP
