when JOY doesn't come - 12/5/15
This time of year you can't NOT hear JOY TO THE WORLD. It resonates every where we go.
What happens when JOY doesn't come in the morning?
What happens when JOY doesn't fill your soul?
What happens when every one has JOY but you?
I just returned from the DFW National Cemetery where both of my parents ashes are co-mingled. Their place of rest looks out over the most incredible sunsets and oftentimes when we are there our sadness is co-mingled with these incredible sunsets as well. Tonight we took a dozen lavender roses to honor our mother and her death one year ago today. This week has been rough on my family. (you can see more posts and pics on my facebook and instagram pages)
One year ago today my mother died (on a Friday night). The following Tuesday morning I was at work, talking with a co-worker about all the events with my mom and I had literally just spoken the words, "But JOY comes in the morning" when my eldest sister called and stated that my dad was in the car with her in the process of having a stroke. He indeed suffered a massive stroke that would change his and our lives forever. Our lives had just been changed four days earlier and just when you think you can't change any more, God oftentimes has a different plan. I HOPE I never forget that I stated "But JOY comes in the morning" that day as it truly does if we allow it to.
Sometimes JOY has to be intentional but my heart aches for those who physically can't make that happen for one reason or another. Lord, I pray for PEACE, COMFORT and MERCY for those who need You just a little extra this time of year. Those who need an extra measure of GRACE or just need You to nestle in a little closer right now. I thank You that I AM JOYFUL and my HOPE is bright because I know it was only by my TRUSTING You that You saw me through and continue to see me through each and every day. Lord, thank You for LIFE, thank You for saving mine and Taylor's lives, thank You for ALL my FAMILY near and far and most importantly THE BIRTH OF JESUS! May we CELEBRATE HIM in whatever way we can whether our JOY fills a teaspoon or fills a bucket. Shine Your light on us and through us in this darkened world.
May God forever be with us.